About Aussie Bubs Australian Certified Organic Grass Fed Farms

Grass Fed Practices from over 150 years of tradition

Using farming practices passed on from generation to generation, the farmers from which we source our organic grass-fed cows milk understand and value the important practice of grass-feeding over regular grain feeding. Our cow milk is from cows allowed to roam free over lush green pastures in a rain-drenched area of southern New Zealand, providing the ideal climate to sustain 365 days grass fed farming.

Caring for our Cows

Animal welfare and being kind to our organic grass-fed cows is an important requirement for being accepted as an approved Aussie Bubs™ supplier. Only organic farmers who demonstrate care and respect for their animals can supply our milk.

Food Safety & Quality

We have a secure and trusted source of organic milk, and source from only accredited organic grass-fed farmers. Each of our Organic milk farmers must comply with high standards of food safety standards.

Take a look at Aussie Bubs formula range.